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Lancaster Thrives Together

The Lancaster County Community Foundation works closely with our community to respond to local needs and leverage opportunities emerging today. Knowing the challenges our community faces are complex and ever-changing, we evolve our grant strategy using current data and information.  

The Lancaster County Racial Equity Profile indicates that while many Lancaster County residents enjoy a sense of comfort and prosperity, the poverty rate is 10%. According to, an additional 27% of people have difficulty affording the increasing cost of living. With so many people affected by economic hardship, our grant opportunities in 2025 will prioritize upstream solutions addressing these challenges.

Lancaster Thrives Together is a $375,000 competitive opportunity for community benefit organizations (CBOs) serving Lancaster County, PA residents. These organizations will provide innovative services helping individuals and families achieve economic stability.

Lancaster Thrives Together grants will support upstream solutions designed to address the root causes of poverty and the diverse needs of both unemployed and ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) populations, to help level the economic playing field among our neighbors, while promoting long-term self-sufficiency. Preference will be given to projects that promote economic stability in underserved communities, recognizing the disproportionate challenges these communities face.

Knowing it will take a holistic approach to ensure our most vulnerable striving neighbors thrive, we will accept applications for initiatives demonstrating leadership, systems change, and innovation across a range of service areas, including, but not limited to:

  • Financial literacy
  • Adult education, skills development, and job training and placement
  • Housing assistance and homelessness prevention
  • Access to healthcare, including mental health and substance abuse services
  • Childcare and early education
  • Legal services
  • Supportive services for incarcerated/formerly incarcerated individuals
  • Supportive services for refugees and immigrants

Grants range from $10,000 – $50,000.



To submit an application, access our online grant portal below.

Zoom Office Hours

Have questions? Feel free to drop in for Zoom office hours with our Programs Team. The Zoom link and dates are listed below.

March 26, 10:00 – 11:00 am
Click Here to Register

April 16, 10:00 – 11:00 am
Click Here to Register

Eligibility Requirements & Resources

Before starting an application for any grant, review our eligibility requirements for funding. You can also access resources to help you meet our requirements.


Information Sheet

Get a snapshot of everything you need to know about this grant opportunity, including application questions, evaluation criteria, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Check out these Frequently Asked Questions below. Click to expand for more information.

What is ALICE?

ALICE is an acronym that stands for “Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.” According to the United Way of Pennsylvania, it represents the 27% of Lancaster County residents who work but still struggle to survive. ALICE folks earn more than the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to comfortably afford basic essentials.

What is the Lancaster Racial Equity Profile?

In 2021, many local funding and social service agencies sponsored the National Equity Atlas, a partnership between PolicyLink and USC Dornsife Equity Research Institute, to complete an equity profile of Lancaster County – the very first county-wide racial equity profile in Pennsylvania. The report contains a wealth of information about our demographics, and how segregation and unequal opportunities persist.

Please read the Lancaster County Equity Profile and consider how your organization might address some of the problems that have been identified in the report.

Why is the community foundation focusing on "underserved communities?"

Recognizing that some of our neighbors have historically not been included and represented in many past projects, we are doing our part to ensure future projects create meaningful opportunities for all residents, particularly those who bear the brunt of disproportionate economic prosperity.

Does the proposed project need to be new, or can it be an existing project?

Our preference is to fund brand new ideas that will bring systems change for Lancaster County. We will accept concepts that have been tried in other regions and are being brought to Lancaster County for the first time. We will also accept applications for existing projects, if it can be demonstrated that the organization is adapting the project for long-term success in a meaningful way.

Are there specific start dates for projects?

By default, grants will have one year duration, beginning September 19. If your organization would need more time to complete the project, please contact us and we will be happy to work with you on a timeline that better suits your project.

How many awards do you anticipate making?

This initiative has a budget of $375,000. It’s likely that we will be able to make 12-18 grants between $10,000 to $50,000 each.

Is funding renewable?

Funding is a one-time award and not renewable.

Will the Community Foundation be looking for letters of support from project partners?

No. Rather, we encourage you to describe partnerships in Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the application itself.

Can project partners be located outside of Lancaster County?

Yes. We don’t require that any of the organizations (applicant or partners) be physically headquartered in Lancaster County. However, the proposed project activities must primarily benefit Lancaster County’s residents.

Questions? We're here!

Feel free to reach out to any of these team members to answer your questions.

RH headshot

Rachael Hartman

Program Officer

717-392-1629 x110

Fran Headshot

Fran Rodriguez

Senior Program Officer

717-392-1629 ext. 115

Headshot of Dave

Dave Koser

Director of Programs

717-392-1629 ext. 112