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LGBTQ+ Giving Circle

The LGBTQ+ Giving Circle will provide grants to CBOs working to raise visibility and address the needs of LBGTQ+ communities in Lancaster County. Priority will be given to applications that consider the intersectionality of identities and that center the most vulnerable LGBTQ+ communities and those most affected by systemic injustices such as racism, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny.

To view past project examples, click here.

Grants range from $2,500 – $25,000



Learn More About The LGBTQ+ Giving Circle


For this grant, there is no letter of intent or feedback process. To submit an application, access the online grant portal below.

The final deadline is May 16, 2025 at 11:59 pm.


Eligibility Requirements & Resources

Before starting an application for any grant, review our eligibility requirements for funding. You can also access resources to help you meet our requirements.

Information Sheet

Get a snapshot of everything you need to know about the LGBTQ+ Giving Circle, including application questions, evaluation criteria, and more!

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For grant application questions:

Dave Koser, Director of Programs

717-397-1629, Ext 112

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To get involved or learn more:

Todd Snovel

LGBTQ+ Circle Advisory Committee


Clinton Headshot

To contribute to the LGBTQ+ Giving Circle:

Clinton Bublitz, Donors Services Officer

(717) 397-1629, Ext 122
