CBO & Business Partnership
This program supports substantial and strategic CBO & Business partnerships between community benefit organizations (CBOs), and businesses that will achieve positive social and environmental impact on Lancaster County’s residents and communities. Grants will support CBOs in advancing partnerships with local businesses, in order to deliver a greater combined impact.
Grants of $10,000 to $25,000 with $100,000 in funds total.
Applications are closed for 2021.

The Cohort Experience
CBOs and their business partners will engage in a four session workshop series over 8 months, to gain valuable knowledge and experience through collective discussion and other learning opportunities.
Grant Overview: October 13, 2021 (2:30pm – 3:30 pm)
2021 Workshops: January 11, March 8, May 10, August 9
Completion report: Due October 31, 2022
*Workshop attendance is required. Failure to maintain grant requirements may affect your ability to apply for future grants.
Evaluation Criteria
• Problem – The application clearly identifies a community problem with a demonstrated need for change
• Equity & Inclusion – Does the organization demonstrate a commitment to racial equity, inclusion, and social justice? Does the program focus on an underserved or underrepresented group of people?
• Potential of Proposed Solution – The proposed partnership has the potential to transform individuals and communities
• Implementation Plan – The organizations have created a robust, logical plan that clearly identifies each organization’s roles, a timeline, budget, and goals
• Organization’s Capacity – The two or more organizations involved have a track record of success and the necessary resources available to deliver on the proposed initiative
• Results – The organizations have outlined clear, achievable, and impactful outcomes and a plan to measure the initiative’s success
Project Example
While the aim of this grant opportunity is to allow for social innovation and idea generation from the within the community, the Community Foundation is deliberately placing minimal parameters around what partnerships might entail. We are issuing a challenge for the best ideas connecting the operations and goals of a business to doing intentional good in Lancaster County, involving a CBO’s mission and work in the delivery. The following is an example of a project from the 2019 CBO-Business cohort.
LIFT Jobs is a partnership between Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County and Four Seasons Produce that helps single mothers achieve long term financial empowerment. A cohort of 10 mothers will be employed as Supported Trainees at Four Seasons, while also participating in weekly group activities and life skills programs designed to help them thrive in every aspect of their lives, with the ultimate goal being achieving permanent full time employment, and stability for their families.
* Example of what this program is NOT designed for: Partnerships that are largely transactional or fundraising in nature. Solely seeking private sector support for a fundraiser or event, requesting a sponsorship from a business, and seeking in-kind donations or volunteer support are not the intent of this grant program.