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Tom & Sharon Kennedy

How can we give back, particularly to Lancaster County's underserved children?

We moved to Lancaster from Central Pennsylvania forty-five years ago. We’ve been married fifty-three years and are blessed with two children, a son and a daughter. We are retired and enjoying friends, traveling, and Penn State football and functions. 

We understand that we are fortunate to live in a caring and generous community that we call home. This community continues to exhibit tremendous charitable giving, outstanding conservation planning, and thoughtful growth initiatives. Although we have supported numerous local charities over the years, we needed a focus. 

How can we give back, particularly to Lancaster County’s underserved children? Our passion is to help local children in need through education and other positive development experiences. 

Married couple Sharon and Tom Kennedy stand close together, in front of a grey backdrop.

We became involved with the Lancaster County Community Foundation through the Extraordinary Give. After meeting with the Foundation to understand the organization’s mission and strategy, we were impressed with the Foundation’s leadership, mission, and ability to direct our giving to nonprofit organizations that align with our passion – supporting local underserved youth to help them realize their dreams and potential. 

As a result, we established the Kennedy Family Fund as well as future support for the Foundation through our estate plan. We want to assure our future support continues for nonprofit organizations aligned with our passion, and we are confident that the Lancaster County Community Foundation is the best organization to execute our plan.