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First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster Endowment Fund


About the Organization

First Presbyterian Church is a community of faith in the heart of downtown Lancaster. The vision of the church is to “discover the heart of Christ in the heart of the city”, and its guiding principles are: inspiring worship; extravagant hospitality; spiritual growth; commitment to the city; caring community; and outreach and mission. First Presbyterian also seeks to celebrate, support and nurture the arts. A variety of worship expressions are offered, and spiritual growth opportunities are available for children, teens and adults. If you are looking for a place to belong…welcome home!

Why is endowment important to your mission?

Our church stands on the edge of a promising new era of growth and excellence as a vibrant downtown church. Annual and endowment giving are both part of the same system of roots and branches. Generous giving to endowment provides the solid financial foundation to send our roots deep and push more branches outward. We will assure that we have the means to go forth in all that we do, changing  lives, serving others and spreading the gospel. We will have the additional income to weather down periods and to invest in new ways to carry out our mission.

First Presbyterian Church

140 E. Orange Street

Lancaster, PA 17602

Phone: 717.394.6854