For Professional Advisors

We Support You As You Serve Your Clients
Since 1924, generous community members and their trusted advisors have relied on the Lancaster County Community Foundation’s philanthropic knowledge and expertise to amplify their giving and positively impact this extraordinary community.
Our team works with professional advisors – attorneys, financial planers, investment advisors, accountants, and more – to help structure current giving approaches and charitable legacy planning for your clients. As a trusted local resource, the Community Foundation can provide giving options that support the wide range of your clients’ charitable interests and financial intent.
Working with the Forever Lancaster philanthropic advising team means that we’re on you and your clients’ side as they explore their giving options. Through resources, one-on-one meetings, and ongoing communication, we offer deep local knowledge and philanthropic expertise as you are advising your clients.
Make Giving Easy
Our goal is to make giving joyful, meaningful, and easy for your clients.
The Community Foundation can accept a wide variety of assets and gifts – turning resources into direct community impact. As a 501(c)(3), donations to the Community Foundation provide the maximum available tax benefits.
As you guide your clients through the giving options and timing that work best for them, the Community Foundation can work with you to turn their giving into impact though:
- QCDs to a variety of funds and grant programs at the Community Foundation
- Bequests
- Non-cash assets, including real estate, private and public securities, farm equipment, personal property
- Cash
- Life insurance
- Retirement funds
- Trusts, including CRTs, CRUTs, and CLATs
Find out how gifts can be turned into community impact:

Generosity Group
We’re honored to have the guidance and support of our Generosity Group, which represents professional advisors in finance, law, insurance, and funeral homes, and enthusiastic community members. The Generosity Group shares expertise with staff on approaches to elevating and increasing giving, now and later, through the Community Foundation and throughout the community. Members assist with developing new relationships, strengthening current relationships, and promoting public awareness of the Community Foundation’s existence and benefits to legacy donors.