Volunteer at ExtraGive!

Sign Up To Volunteer
Volunteers are an important part of making ExtraGive such a successful celebration of generosity. We couldn’t do it without you!

What is ExtraGive?
We’re glad you asked! Each year, the Community Foundation hosts Lancaster County’s largest day of giving. For 24 hours, individuals donate online to support causes they care about. Since 2012, more than 40,000 donors have raised more than $110 million to support hundreds of organizations that impact our shared community.
The day culminates into a public party called ExtraGive Fest. This celebration of generosity is one of the most fun events of the year, and it wouldn’t be possible without volunteers like you.

Learn More about the ExtraGive
Find out what makes ExtraGive Lancaster County’s largest day of online giving!

Volunteer Email List
The work of the Community Foundation couldn’t happen without volunteers like you! Get on our email list to stay up to date on the latest opportunities to get involved.