Lancaster Cares COVID-19 Response Fund
Support immediate needs for Lancaster families during the COVID-19 crisis.
Support immediate needs for Lancaster families during the COVID-19 crisis.
At the Community Foundation, we're committed to continuing to think local: to focus on tangible solutions and emboldening the most important resource we have in Lancaster County: our people. Here are some ways that our team is working to both keep safety as our top priority while also continuing to push forward with our goal of emboldening extraordinary community.
Developing Lancaster is a quarterly gathering for nonprofit professionals working on fundraising, grants, and other development areas in Lancaster. Each meeting features a learning topic and time to connect with extraordinary local folks.
Join us for our 2020 LEAP Sessions: a slate of exciting and free capacity-building opportunities for you and your organization!
In Good Company is an invitation to ALL Lancaster businesses be part of a movement that will position our community for the future.
This year is the 2020 Census, and Lancaster County once again has come together through a Complete Count Committee (CCC) and subcommittees to help ensure we get a complete count of people in Lancaster County!
As Activate Teams in Southeast Lancaster City and Paradise PA embark on the most ambitious (and fun!) phase of Project Activate yet, a potential 22 new community-centered, locally-owned ideas will work to engage residents and build belonging.
As Activate Teams in Southeast Lancaster City and Paradise PA embark on the most ambitious (and fun!) phase of Project Activate yet, a potential 22 new community-centered, locally-owned ideas will work to engage residents and build belonging.
Ever wonder if you need an estate plan? What are the essential components? And if you’re ‘ready’ to create one?
This past November, the two Activate Teams began the challenging work of organizing their learnings, brainstorming the right questions, and then asking those questions to their communities to generate ideas. Here's what we learned, together: