An ExtraGive Message From CEO Sam Bressi
Dear Friend,
We wanted to reach out to let you know how much we appreciate you. Because of you, the ExtraGive has generated support and awareness for hundreds of organizations and inspired tens of thousands of individuals to celebrate giving in our community. We are in awe of the spirit of generosity that thrives in Lancaster County.
This year the ExtraGive is Friday, November 18. We have made some important changes to ExtraGive, some of which you may have heard or read about. I’m writing today to explain some of those changes. If you’d like more details about these changes, I invite you to visit our website at .
Donor Transparency & Nondiscrimination
Organizations participating in ExtraGive must now commit to being transparent about both their finances and their nondiscrimination policy. As in years past, we require all participating organizations to provide their audited or reviewed financial statements. New this year, we require that they also post their nondiscrimination policy as it applies to their organization on their ExtraGive page. There are no requirements regarding the specific content of each organization’s nondiscrimination policy, but it does need to be available to donors.
ExtraGive is committed to upholding best practices for nonprofit organizations, and transparency is a fundraising best practice that benefits donors like you. Having access to nondiscrimination policies is one way donors can ensure they understand more fully about the organizations they are supporting.
Harmony Over Divisiveness
Some members of our community have asked if the nondiscrimination policy, and a recent anti-hate policy of the Lancaster County Community Foundation, are signals that we are engaging in political activity. To be clear, both the Foundation and ExtraGive are strictly apolitical and nonpartisan. We serve and believe in the inherent value of all people. We believe deeply in collaboration and harmony over divisiveness and partisanship, because we know from experience that Lancaster County is more extraordinary when we work together.
Very few organizations will be impacted by our anti-hate policy, as the overwhelming majority of Lancaster County nonprofits adhere to basic standards for respect, safety and humanity. In fact, only one organization, of the more than 500 who have participated in ExtraGive, no longer qualifies for the event due to this new policy.
Faith-Based Organizations
We have heard concerns from some faith-based organizations that they are being excluded. This is false. We have deep respect for the positive, uplifting work of our community’s faith-based organizations. At the same time, we believe our community is better served when its institutions operate with openness and transparency. Like the nondiscrimination policy requirement, the Foundation’s anti-hate policy is a national best practice and is intended to protect donors from unknowingly supporting organizations that engage in activities that are harmful to our community. These policies are intended to be respectful of religious freedom and ideological differences, while simultaneously aligning with the Foundation’s community-centered values.
A Transformative Force for Good
So why are we making these changes? Because integrity is one of our organizational values.
As Lancaster County’s only community foundation stewarding our community’s endowment to benefit all residents, we believe we must hold ourselves and our nonprofit partners to best practices and do what we can to promote civility, compassion and human kindness within our community.
ExtraGive is a transformative force for good in our community. We are proud of what this community has accomplished together in the 10 years we have hosted this event – raising $82 million from tens of thousands of generous donors like you. As the largest funder of the event, the Community Foundation has never taken a penny from ExtraGive. 100% of your donations and sponsor dollars have benefitted hundreds of community organizations and programs that support our friends and neighbors across Lancaster County.
ExtraGive is a day for all of us. It is a reflection of our collective compassion and a glimpse into a future we hope to build together. It is a celebration of everything that makes Lancaster County extraordinary and a commitment to the generations to come. We look forward to you joining us.
With deep appreciation and gratitude,