Lancaster Equity Council Awards Over $50,000 & Launches Cohort to Support the Projects of BIPOC Individuals in Lancaster County
The Lancaster Equity Council, in partnership with the Lancaster County Community Foundation, proudly announces the selection of the 2024 Equity Partners. All grants, totaling over $50,000, are aimed at empowering local Black, Brown, Indigenous, and Immigrant (BIPOC) leaders whose inspiring projects are set to create meaningful impact within Lancaster County. Alongside the grant announcements, the Equity Council is launching its 2024 cohort, further advancing efforts to foster equity and inclusion throughout the community.
The Equity Fund has a unique, accessible application process and offers an opportunity for individuals to explore innovative ideas that serve their community while fostering personal leadership growth, prioritizing self-care, and supporting sustainable practices. Equity Council co-chairs Xavier Garcia-Molina and Kareena Rios, as well as founding members Julia Cao, LaRock Hudson, and Norma Vazquez, designed this process and directly informed how the dollars from this fund will make the most equitable impact on our community.
Anyone can support the work of the Equity Council by making a donation.